How to jump on a skipping rope for weight loss? February 11 2020
How to use this projectile for training on fat burning. How to choose a rope, the nuances of jumping technique.
Jumping rope is an effective way of training, opening the way for good health, stamina, and normalization of weight. Professional athletes compare the benefits of such activities with the activities of swimming, cycling, tennis, and jogging.
If you make them part of the training process, it is easier to achieve many results in sports, including weight loss.
What is the use of jump rope for cardio bodybuilding
Training with a skipping rope has a complex load on the entire muscle corset of our body. Those who think that jumping rope is just a burden on his legs, he did not try himself in this matter. For the sake of interest, we offer you to jump out of the habit of a couple of minutes, in the evening or the next morning, you will feel on your body the existence of muscles that hitherto did not seem real to you. Literally from the neck to the heels, the muscles will be clogged. And this is not to mention the burden on the shoulder joint of the hands, forearm, and even the muscles of the press. When alternating different exercises, which we will talk about a little later, the load can be directed to the thigh muscles, calves with maximum efficiency for them.
Rope classes – Stone Forest
But we will leave the use of a jumping rope for muscles because we want to talk about the global benefits of this type of training for the human body as a whole:
- The modern rhythm of life leads to the fact that many people are overgrown with excess fat, which does not please the eye at all and causes attacks of self-humiliation when “admiring” the mirror. Someone is trying hard to pump up, suggesting that this will help to correct the figure, supposedly the muscles will replace fat. But for the muscles to come to the fore, you need to get rid of fat, but many do not like to get rid of it and are frankly lazy. For such characters, there is one piece of advice – to take the first step to defeat laziness and your fat. Allocate 5 minutes a day 3 times a week for jumping rope. 5 MINUTES PER DAY ??? Yes, 5 minutes a day. Not an hour, not 30 minutes, not even 10 minutes. 5 minutes – to begin with – to understand how your body has lost touch with physical activity, how muscles need oxygen and training, how your body wants to recover, how you want to look better.
- Skipping rope incredibly calms the nerves. Even running is not so useful for calm as a jump rope. While running, you take care not to stumble; it is necessary to run around an obstacle, people, a car; all the time you need to look around, so God forbid not to run into someone and something, etc. You are in suspense. During training with a skipping rope, everything is much simpler. The only concentration is the concentration on jumping and falling into the beat of a spinning rope. There are variations of tougher and more rhythmic training with a skipping rope, but to begin with, start with banal jumps – measured, peaceful, useful for the body.
- If you do not have any acute congenital or acquired diseases of the cardiovascular system, then exercises with a skipping rope will be an excellent way to put it in order and make it work in an optimal mode. And the optimal work of the cardiovascular system is the correct metabolism, being in a constant tone, and also a great mood.
- This item raises the most scrutiny. At least we ask you to look at him. In our society, more and more often we have to meet people who are not at all prepared for any physical exercise and training. And even if there is a reserve of developed muscles, coordination problems cause a lot of questions. It is no accident that many people don’t even know how to jump on a skipping rope – they simply cannot synchronize the work of their hands and feet, this is a problem of extreme physical coordination that must be eradicated. And ropes help with this quite well. At the same time, do not throw the rope on the floor, if the exercise does not work out – repetition and labor will grind everything. It didn’t work out 10 times — it turns out 15 times, it didn’t work out 15 times — it turns out 20, etc. Sooner or later, the brain will force the legs to obey the hands, and the arms to obey the legs, and in the complex, the training will begin to advance.
- And the last item we will put the pumping level of your concentration. Rather, the ability to concentrate. How often do you find yourself thinking that you forget to do many things, many ideas disappear, and you do the work without the proper level of concentration. The fault is your inability to concentrate. And like any skill, you can get it first, and then develop it. So, in addition to coordination, jumping rope improves concentration. This is especially evident during the performance of complex exercises, when to perform any action you need to improve the moment. At first, you probably won’t get the element, but again, with diligence and desire to be able to fulfill it, you will achieve success sooner or later. And don’t be nervous if the element doesn’t come out – at least enjoy the fact that you got out this morning to work out with a skipping rope, and someone enviously looks at you from the window and documents his morning cigarette, which he has instead of training.
Pros and cons
Before including an exercise in training, it is worthwhile to understand its advantages and disadvantages:
- Flexibility development. Jumping on a rope makes movements smooth, posture improves, the spine “straightens”.
- Efficiency is comparable to training on cardiovascular machines.
- There is no need to purchase expensive equipment – the rope costs a penny.
- The cardiovascular system develops, toxins are removed from the body, the development of problems with veins is prevented.
- The body is strengthened, resistance to diseases is growing.
- Weight loss. Jumping rope for weight loss is an excellent option for cardio loading, which can accelerate the burning of excess body fat.
- There is no need to allocate free time – it takes 10-15 minutes for classes. At the same time, they manage to train and, for example, watch TV.
- Attention and speed are developed, coordination of movements improves.
An interesting fact is that in terms of efficiency, working with a rope is not inferior to other exercises (dancing, aerobics, weight training, and so on). The benefit is that in 20 minutes of such a workout you can burn as many calories as with 50-60 minutes of aerobics (250-300 kcal).
Thus, an hour-long workout is a chance to destroy 800-1000 kcal. By the way, the same amount of excess accumulation allows you to remove strength training. The difference is that to organize a full-fledged lesson you will need a gym and special equipment, but here only a jump rope is enough.
Jumping rope has some contraindications, which are worth remembering:
- Phlebeurysm. Such training only exacerbates the situation.
- Headaches and meningitis. It is worth noting here that with such painful sensations, physical activity is completely prohibited.
- Pregnancy and periods of menstruation.
- Big breasts. Surprisingly, the owners of such a breast should refrain from jumping, otherwise, they risk a sagging bust.
- Cardiovascular disease and hypertension.
- Joint problems (including knee cartilage and calyx).
- Excessive overweight. In such situations, jumping becomes an exorbitant burden for the body.
Recommendations for the training process
The benefits of jumping rope are beyond doubt. But when doing this, consider the following tips:
- Use jump ropes, which have a connection of a rope and a ball-shaped handle, which prevents twisting or tangling, and also guarantees ease of use. Thanks to the scrolling of the projectile inside, it is possible to accelerate without fear of its incorrect behavior.
- In the process of training, you should use only comfortable shoes. The main selection criteria are soft soles, good cushioning, lightness. Properly selected shoes remove the risks of corns on the fingers and also eliminates the load from the feet.
- The place for classes is to choose wisely. It should be carpeted, rubberized or other covering softening blow during landing.
- It is recommended to start the exercise at a slow pace, gradually increasing speed. This approach guarantees to warm up and warming up muscle groups. After reaching the peak load, it is worth holding it for a long time. Further, the pace should be reduced, normalize the heartbeat and breathing.
- When introducing new types of jumps into the training process, it is worth starting with working out the technique and the correct position of the hands. Make sure that only brushes are involved in the work, and the rest of the joints are inactive.
- At the initial stage, it is recommended to alternate the load. It’s worth starting with 5-7 minutes (set), taking breaks of 8-10 minutes. Over time, the duration increases. The use of this technique lies in the fact that the body adapts to the load faster – breathing is restored, the heart rate is normalized, the main muscles are “included” in the work.
- During the approach, taking breaks is undesirable. This leads to impaired heart rate. If the jump rope is confused, unravel it and continue to jump.
- Jumping just does not bring pleasure. The main thing is to set goals and realize them.
Before starting, “warm-up” the body with a jog or light exercise. At the same time, it is worth combining the rope with other exercises – pull-ups, squats, jogging, and others. Do not forget to record the results every 1-2 months.
Execution options
As already mentioned, working with a skipping rope is measured. Start with 10-15 minutes a day, after which time classes are allowed to increase. This mode should be maintained for a week, and then every 5 days add 5-7 minutes. The maximum duration is 55-60 minutes. When performing the exercise, it is worth monitoring the state of the body and stopping the approach at the first sign of malaise.
It has been experimentally proved that training with a skipping rope is effective when their duration is at least 30 minutes. To eliminate monotony, different jumping options are used:
- alternately on each leg;
- with alternating left and right legs (such an exercise is similar to an imitation of running);
- with the reverse rotation of the rope (not forward, but backward);
- with a passage in one and the other direction (back and forth);
- with a smooth rotation of 360 degrees;
- with crossing ropes.
Before a workout, do a warm-up, paying attention to the joints of the legs. The best option is to do 12-15 back leg bends with a touch on the buttocks. After you need to climb to socks 16-20 times.
The next stage is the study of the knee joints. Lean forward, bend your knees slightly, put your hands on them, and make rotational movements (in one and the other direction).
To maximize the benefits, the training ends smoothly. Stopping is strictly prohibited – it is dangerous for the cardiovascular system. So, after the end of the lesson costs 2-3 minutes to walk around.
As soon as the process gave the expected result, the exercise time is allowed to be reduced to 10-15 minutes per day. This approach is a chance to keep fit. At the same time, remember the importance of proper nutrition, because, with the consumption of simple carbohydrates and fats, any training will be meaningless.
Clothing and Appliances
Clothing is selected so as not to interfere with the rotation of the rope. The best option is a tight-fitting T-shirt, breeches, or shorts closely adjacent to the body. Girls should wear a sports bra that will support the chest, protect it from deformation and stretching when jumping.
Training in socks or barefoot is prohibited. Remember that jumping carries a huge load on the spine and joints, so shoes should be chosen wisely (as mentioned above) – it should spring and be soft. With the right choice, the benefits of classes will be maximum.
The rope jumping technique is key. The following rules should be considered here:
- During the jumps, the elbow joints of the hands are tightly pressed to the torso, and the movement is made by rotation of the hands.
- Bouncing high is not necessary. At the same time, it is worth landing on the footpads, and not on the full surface of the sole, as beginners do. Make sure the heel does not touch the surface of the floor.
- During the jumping period, fix the torso in a vertical position, and keep your back straight. Start at a slow pace with gradual acceleration. As a result, the speed should be 100 jumps per minute. This pace is optimal for the body.
Rope selection
It is worth remembering the importance of choosing the right tool. The projectile should fit in height. To simplify the choice, it is worth using the following parameters of human growth and the length of the rope:
- 152 cm – 210 cm;
- 152-167 cm – 250 cm;
- 167-183 cm – 280 cm;
- 183 cm and more – 310 cm.
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